2nd grade had a PJ party to celebrate reaching their behavior goal! Way to go on having great behavior and citizenship!
about 2 years ago, Kelli Pickering
2nd grade PJ Party
The Strasburg C-3 School and PTO would like to honor veterans on Nov. 11th with breakfast and an assembly. Please see the flyer for more information!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
We’ve got GRIT! We don’t quit! Happy GRIT day from Mrs. McCommon, Mrs. Chojnacki and Mrs. Pickering.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Chojnacki
K-2 teachers standing on the stairs showing their GRIT shirts
Thank you to the Pleasant Hill Fire Department for your fire safety presentation last week. Our kindergarten, first, and second grade classes loved meeting the firemen and walking through the fire truck and ambulance.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Chojnacki
kindergarten class standing in front of a fire truck
class in front if a fire truck
class in front of a fire truck
Hello, parents! I wanted to share my grading system for Art. Each day the kids are able to receive a possible 2 points in two categories- Behavior and Work. Behavior: 2= 0-1 reminders 1= 2 reminders 0= was sent to the safe seat and/or buddy room Work: 2= worked the entire time 1= worked 1/2 of the time 0= did not work at all
about 2 years ago, Ms. Stanfield
Skeleton Surprises on sale October 18-21! They are 50 cents each! We will deliver by October 27th! If you have any questions contact Ms. Silva.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Silva
Skeleton Surprise Poster
Please see our webpage for all the ways you can help us to make the PTO Chili Supper and Silent Auction a success this year! https://www.strasburg.k12.mo.us/page/strasburg-pto
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Kindergarten and 3rd grade had the highest percentage of trash bag sales and celebrated yesterday with an ice cream party! Way to go!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
3rd grade
Trash bag pick up is TODAY from 4-6:30pm. Please pick up from the east cafeteria door. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Thank you so much for all your support for our trash bag sales! Congratulations to our top trash bag sales people: Maxwell DeGan (Kindergarten) - 138 rolls Cooper Tye (7th) - 120 rolls Gunner and Tanner Cox (6th and 3rd) - 117 rolls The top two classes that had the highest percentage of trash bag sales and have won an ice cream party is Kindergarten and 3rd grade! Please remember trash bags will need to be picked up Wednesday, September 28 from 4-6:30pm. They should be picked up from the east cafeteria door.
over 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Congrats and thanks
The Book Fair will run from October 11 - October 14. Please see the following website for more information! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/strasburgc3
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
School is in session on Monday (9/26).
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
Homecoming Spirit Week 9/26-9/29.
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
white background with black writing
Trash bag order forms and money are due tomorrow! Thank you for your support!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
It's going to be a great weekend for selling trash bags! What will you do with your new bags? Orders are due Tuesday, 9/20. Money will need to be submitted with your order. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Trash bag ghosts
trash bag dress
Ecco Ride is looking to fill an open position. The position is the Lone Jack High School route. The starting pay is 17.00 an hour! The schedule is Mondays am and pm guaranteed 5 hours, Am only Tuesday-Fridays with a guarantee of 2.5 hours . We provide paid CDL training. Call Lori at 816-925-0448 or apply at www.eccoride.com.
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
The Strasburg Music Department is doing a fundraiser to purchase a classroom set of ukuleles. The students are selling Ozark Delight gourmet lollipops for $1.00 each. Students will be allowed to purchase lollipops for themselves. Additionally, Middle School students can check out a bag of 10 at a time to sell in the neighborhood or to friends other than at school. If you would be willing to sell a bag of these delicious lollipops, please let Mrs. Block know and she will check out a bag for you.
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
We would like to thank all of the grandparents and special guest that came to visit us today! We would also like to send out a huge shout out to Mrs. Block and Mrs. Pickering for organizing the event! It was a great day to be an Eagle!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
White background with blue curtains and brown floor
You can pay for school photos online. If you are interested, the directions can be found in the attached photo!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
white photo, blue banner with black writting
Don't forget that school pictures are tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
White background with multi color writing