A new episode of Eagle TV has been posted to the website. Go to the "more" tab and drop down to Eagle TV.

3rd-5th is invited to stay after school on December 2nd from 4-6 PM to play Dodge Ball/ Kickball with STUCO! Pizza and Water will be provided. Permission slips are due back by December 1st!

Our K, 1 and 2 field trip to the Shrine Circus was amazing!

Let's try that again... School will be in session on Monday (11/21) and Tuesday (11/22). We will be closed for Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (11/23-11/25).

School will be in session on Monday (11/21) and Tuesday (11/22). We will be closed for Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (11/23-11/15).

If your family is needing assistance this holiday season, please reach out to tadams@strasburg.k12.mo.us

Would your junior hunter like to be featured on Eagle TV? If your students gets a deer any time this season be sure to email a photo to Coach Clark- Lclark@strasburg.k12.mo.us so they can be featured on Eagle TV!

Middle School Masquerade Ball is Friday, November 18th from 6-8. Permission slips are going home today. Admission is $5 or go to the Sign-Up Genius below to bring a food item to get in free! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Silva (816)680-333 ext.412 or esilva@strasburg.k12.mo.us

The 3rd grade students are working on drawing and coloring soldiers to celebrate Veteran's Day.

This week is your last chance to purchase the blue GRIT tshirts and hoodies. Please send in your cash or checks along with an order form by this Friday the 11th. Let your student’s teacher know if you need a new order form. Go Eagles!

Our Wall of Honor is looking good! Keep sending in those pictures!

Thank you to every individual or business who helped make our Chili Supper & Silent Auction a success! Whether you donated, volunteered, or attended, we appreciate your support! Congratulations to Ronda Garcia - our first ever chili cook-off winner!

Today's the big day! The Chili Supper and Silent Auction is our major fundraiser for the year! We hope you can come out to support Strasburg school! A few things to note about the event:
-Cash or Check Only
-We still need side dishes and/or desserts. Can you help us out? Sign up here and bring to the school after 1pm!
-For just $2 more, get a taster of six different chilis! Vote for your favorite!
-50/50 and Student Raffles will be drawn at 6:30pm. 50/50 winner MUST be present. Student raffle winners do NOT need to be present to win.
-See our event for pricing and other details!
-We will have 'Buy It Now' prices on all items. The Buy It Now option will end at 6:20pm, so come early to check out all the goodies!
-Follow our Facebook page for a preview of some of our auction items throughout the day today! www.Facebook.com/strasburgpto

Don't forget to send in your pictures for the Wall of Honor! Veteran's Day assembly November 11th at 8:30.

You can now pay lunch fees through the student/parent portal. Click on fees, select lunch, and make your payment. The other options are disabled at this time.

Our students have been working hard on i-Ready lessons in reading and math. For every 3 lessons passed, students get a ticket to enter into a monthly drawing. Congratulations to our winners for the month of October: Corelai Ross, Saydee Robison, Ann Nacke, Marcus Crownover, Austen Greufe, Collin Pflager, Brooklen Bird, Cale Paulson, and Cooper Tye!

The PTO Chili Cook-Off and Silent Auction is this Saturday! We have one spot left for the cook-off! It's FREE to enter! Bragging rights, small gift, and photo in the Strasburg trophy case to the winner! Sign up here:
See event details and prices here:
Hope to see everyone there!

Some Halloween fun from last Friday! 2nd grade made ghosts for Halloween while learning about solids, liquids, and gases.

November 1-11 is Community Unity Food Drive BINGO! STUCO is collecting canned food and non-perishable items to donate to charity. Read the attached flyer to learn more!

STUCO would like to honor our men and women who have served or are currently serving in the military! We are looking for pictures to hang up on our Wall of Honor. Please read the attached form for more information.