Coach Introductions
Coach Reeves (19th year coaching middle school track at Pleasant Hill)
Coach Gasper (6th year coaching middle school track at Pleasant Hill)
Coach Thompson (4th year coaching middle school track at Pleasant Hill)
Parent Communication
SportsYou (app) Access code: Z57J-Y68L
All participants must have a current physical and complete their PRIVIT profile before the first practice. You can find instruction for completing your profile and uploading your physical using this link: PRIVIT
● Bring to school EVERY DAY: tennis shoes, shorts, t-shirt, sweatpants, and sweatshirt.
● Practice will begin in the gym right after school.
● Athletes will change clothes and proceed to the bleachers to wait for practice to begin.
● Regular workouts divided by groups (sprinters, distance, throwers), followed by field events and relay team workouts. All athletes will be done by 4:30 pm each day. Some athletes will finish earlier if they do not have field events, hurdles, or relays.
Track Meets
● All athletes that are attending the meet must ride the bus to the meet.
● Have plenty of warm clothes and food. Meets can drag on for hours at times.
● When not actively participating, we expect athletes to be in the stands waiting and cheering.
● Athletes may sign out and ride home with their parents or guardians only.
● Open meets allow unlimited entries and are meant to give all athletes an opportunity to compete.
● Invitational meets are for the best 2-3 athletes in each event.
● Athletes can compete in a maximum of 4 events. Only 3 of which can be of the same type. (field or running)
● Coaches will decide events for athletes for invitational meets based on team needs, times at practice and/or meets. Athletes are welcome to choose events at open meets, assuming they have practiced the event and been cleared by coaches to compete in that event at meets. (Especially Pole Vault)
General Guidelines
● Consequences for missing practice: Must make up running, 1 mile per practice.
● Cannot compete with an F after midterm. (Handbook policy) ● Attitude and Effort are the key to having fun and improving. Constant improvement is our goal.
● Spikes are not required, although some athletes do use them each year. Tennis shoes will do fine.
● Make sure you have proper clothing to match the elements during practice & meets. Weather in March & April can be unpredictable and go from one extreme to another.
● See the trainer at the high school if possible.
● If an athlete sees a physician, they cannot practice or compete until receiving a note being cleared by that physician