We had a great turnout for Donuts with Grown-Ups last Friday! We also had a blast providing holiday themed games for the students that morning! The PTO wishes each of you a very happy holiday season!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
We've got spirit, yes, we do! Looking good in the new Eagles shirts! Thank you, Midwest Logowear!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Last week we showed our appreciation for our wonderful custodians! If you see Mr. Andy or Ms. Terry around please be sure to tell them thank you for all of their hard work!
about 2 years ago, Kelli Pickering
Custodian appreciation day
Students' free shirts and spiritwear orders are coming home with your student today! Please be on the lookout! Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Festive Friday Spirit Day 🎄We can’t wait to see everyone dressed in their favorite holiday attire.
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Chojnacki
reindeer’s dancing
District phones are down, sorry for the inconvenience. Please email Laura at lmooney@strasburg.k12.mo.us if you need to reach us!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
Save the Date! Father(ly)/Daugher Dance 2/4/23
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
Dance save the date
We hope everyone who ordered a GRIT shirt and/or hoodie is loving their purchase. We have 4 items left for sale. Pls contact Mrs. Chojnacki at lchojnacki@strasburg.k12.mo.us if you would like to purchase one of the items listed below. adult medium hoodie $20 adult medium tshirt $10 youth large tshirt $10 youth small tshirt $10
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Chojnacki
GRIT tshirts
Don't forget to send in your extra coins! Coin Wars is going on until next week.
about 2 years ago, Lisa Silva
Coin Wars Update
RSVPs for Donuts with Grown-Ups are due tomorrow! Please return the form to school or you can also email strasburgpto1@gmail.com with your student's name and number of people attending. Hope to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
All spirit wear orders and student free shirt sizes are due tomorrow! Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Strasburg PTO
The 2022 Climate and Culture Survey Results have been posted under the Board of Education Tab on the website. You can also find it on the app under menu-documents - then click district information. Thank you for completing the survey, the CSIP committee will review the results and take your feedback into consideration while updating our current plan.
about 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
A new episode of Eagle TV has been posted to the website. Go to the "more" tab and drop down to Eagle TV.
about 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
3rd-5th is invited to stay after school on December 2nd from 4-6 PM to play Dodge Ball/ Kickball with STUCO! Pizza and Water will be provided. Permission slips are due back by December 1st!
about 2 years ago, Lisa Silva
Dodge Ball Permission Slip
Our K, 1 and 2 field trip to the Shrine Circus was amazing!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Chojnacki
2nd grade students in a line
elephants at the circus
students sitting in chairs at the circus
students sitting in chairs at the circus
Let's try that again... School will be in session on Monday (11/21) and Tuesday (11/22). We will be closed for Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (11/23-11/25).
about 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
School will be in session on Monday (11/21) and Tuesday (11/22). We will be closed for Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (11/23-11/15).
about 2 years ago, Strasburg C-3 School District
If your family is needing assistance this holiday season, please reach out to tadams@strasburg.k12.mo.us
about 2 years ago, Taylor Adams
Would your junior hunter like to be featured on Eagle TV? If your students gets a deer any time this season be sure to email a photo to Coach Clark- Lclark@strasburg.k12.mo.us so they can be featured on Eagle TV!
about 2 years ago, Libby Clark
Middle School Masquerade Ball is Friday, November 18th from 6-8. Permission slips are going home today. Admission is $5 or go to the Sign-Up Genius below to bring a food item to get in free! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Silva (816)680-333 ext.412 or esilva@strasburg.k12.mo.us https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d49aca722a6f85-masquerade
about 2 years ago, Lisa Silva
Dance Permission Slip
Masquerade masks