The Strasburg PTO Annual Variety Show is fast approaching! See the flyer for details. If your student would like to participate, please fill out the form and return to school by April 4th. Please email the PTO at strasburgpto1@gmail.com with any questions.

RSVP by 2/14 for PTO's Family Light Up the Night Glow Dance on Friday, February 21st! This is not a drop off event - students must be accompanied by an adult. Hope to see you there!

The PTO is hosting a Glow Dance on February 21st! Bring the whole family and Light Up the Night with us! Cupcakes and punch provided. 7-8pm. Please RSVP by 2/14: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044BADAF28A7FF2-53748102-light

The PTO would like to invite families to join their Strasburg student for a donut and drink before school on December 20th! New this year - an ornament making station! Enter through the main entrance. (Regular school breakfast will still be served)

Looking sharp, Eagles! PTO is very excited to be able to provide each student and staff member their own Eagles shirt - love that school spirit! Spirit wear orders are coming home today. If you want to pick up your order (instead of it being sent with your student), please call the school ASAP. Thank you!!

Spirit wear orders are in! Orders will be sent home tomorrow (Wed) with students. If you wish to pick orders up yourself, please contact the PTO at strasburgpto1@gmail.com ASAP. Thank you for your support!

It was a great start to Thanksgiving break for trash bag top sellers and the kids raffle/auction winners who got to enjoy a movie with Dr. Mayfield! Staff members have begun redeeming their generous prizes for the kids raffle that took place at our Chili Supper and Silent Auction! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Each year, the PTO puts together a list of staff favorites. If you feel moved to treat a staff member, you can use this list for ideas that they will love!

Reminder - Spirit wear order forms are due tomorrow, 11/12! Every student needs to turn one in for their FREE T-shirt. Email the PTO with any questions. strasburgpto1@gmail.com Thank you!

The PTO is excited to bring back the fan favorite Kids Only Raffle! Our wonderful staff are providing experiences that only students can enter to win! Tickets will be on sale all week through Mrs. Mollenhour and during the Annual Chili Supper and Silent Auction this Saturday! Winner will be drawn at the auction! (See images for details)

The Strasburg PTO Annual Chili Supper and Silent Auction is coming up on November 9th, and we need your help to make the event successful! We need volunteers to help with various tasks during the chili supper and are asking for donations of side dishes and desserts! Sign up here:

Join us tomorrow (Saturday 9/28) from 7:30-9:30am for our FREE Fall Flapjacks event! Grab some pancakes, sausage, and juice before you head off on your busy Saturday. Guess the giant pumpkin weight and win the pumpkin! The weather is going to be beautiful, hope to see you there!

Thanks to everyone's hard work, we surpassed our goal of 850 trash bag rolls sold! To celebrate, Principal Campbell agreed to wear a trash bag for the day! The kids voted on the pumpkin bag! 🎃 Thanks for being a good sport, Mr. Campbell!

Congratulations to our top sellers of trash bags! Thank you to all sellers for your hard work and buyers for your continued support!

Trash bag pickup is TODAY (9/25) from 3:45-6pm at the east cafeteria door. Large orders please wait until after 4pm to pick up. You MUST email the PTO at strasburgpto1@gmail.com if you are unable to pick up. Please don't make us wait for someone who is not going to show up! Thank you!! Results of the sale will be posted shortly.

If you or your child forgot to turn in your trash bag order form, we will still accept them tomorrow! Thank you for your support!

It's going to be a beautiful weekend....for selling trash bags! Order forms are due back on Tuesday, Sep 17th. They can be given to your classroom teacher or the office. I'm sure everyone would love to see Mr. Campbell wearing a trash bag if we can reach our goal! Thank you for your support!

Join us for pancakes and fall fun at this FREE event, sponsored by Strasburg PTO! Hope to see you there!

PTO trash bag sales start TODAY!! Things look a little different this year due to trying out a new supplier. See the images for bags offered and the letter for prize info and other details. All students will be coming home today with the order forms and all the info! Email strasburgpto1@gmail.com if you have any questions! Thank you for your support!

Field day is just around the corner! (May 17th!) The PTO needs all the volunteers we can get and would greatly appreciate donations for the big day! Please sign up at the following link to volunteer or to donate an item! Thank you!!